Installation | SocialConnect


Last Modified: 2020-11-23 Edit on GitHub

System requirements

Before We start, you should known related requirements for your environment:

  • PHP 7.1 or above.
  • PHP Sessions (or use stateless mode for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect)
  • Curl extension (or you can use stream adapter)
  • JSON extension


The recommended way to install socialconnect/auth is via Composer.

  1. If you do not have composer installed, download the composer.phar executable or use the installer.
$ curl -sS | php
  1. Run php composer.phar require socialconnect/auth or add a new requirement in your composer.json.
  "require": {
    "socialconnect/auth": "^3.0"

Getting started

Choosing HTTP Client

After installation socialconnect/auth, you should decided what HTTP-client you will use, the main requirement that HTTP-client should be compatibility with PSR-18.

We had socialconnect/http-client package, it’s our implementation of PSR-18 (HTTP-Client) based on top of guzzle/psr-7 library.

Run composer require socialconnect/http-client

// You can use any HTTP client with PSR-18 compatibility
$httpClient = new \SocialConnect\HttpClient\Curl();

HttpClient and caching (useful for OpenID & OpenIDConnect)

Why do we need cache decorator for HTTP Client?

Providers like OpenID & OpenIDConnect require US to request OpenID specification (and JWK(s) for OpenIDConnect).

It’s not a best practice to request it every time, because it’s unneeded round trip to the server, if you are using OpenID or OpenIDConnect we suggest you to use cache.

$httpClient = new \SocialConnect\HttpClient\Cache(
     * You can use any library with PSR-16 (simple-cache) compatibility
    new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache(
        new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpFilesAdapter(
            __DIR__ . '/cache'

$httpStack = new \SocialConnect\Provider\HttpStack(
    new \SocialConnect\HttpClient\RequestFactory(),
    new \SocialConnect\HttpClient\StreamFactory()

Using zelenin/http-client

  1. composer require zelenin/http-client:^4.0
$httpClient = (new \Zelenin\HttpClient\ClientFactory())->create();

$httpStack = new \SocialConnect\Provider\HttpStack(
    new \Zend\Diactoros\RequestFactory(),
    new \Zend\Diactoros\StreamFactory()

Using guzzle

  1. composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
  2. composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter
$httpClient = new \Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client(
    new \GuzzleHttp\Client()

$httpStack = new \SocialConnect\Provider\HttpStack(
    // @todo Where is factories?
    new \SocialConnect\HttpClient\RequestFactory(),
    new \SocialConnect\HttpClient\StreamFactory()

Configure AuthService

$configureProviders = [
    'redirectUri' => 'http://sconnect.local/auth/cb/${provider}/',
    'provider' => [
        'facebook' => [
            'applicationId' => '',
            'applicationSecret' => '',
            'scope' => ['email'],
            'options' => [
                'identity.fields' => [

$service = new \SocialConnect\Auth\Service(
    new \SocialConnect\Provider\Session\Session(),

 * By default collection factory is null, in this case Auth\Service will create 
 * a new instance of \SocialConnect\Auth\CollectionFactory
 * you can use custom or register another providers by CollectionFactory instance
$collectionFactory = null;

$service = new \SocialConnect\Auth\Service(
    new \SocialConnect\Provider\Session\Session(),

Write code in you Controller

Next create you loginAction:

$providerName = 'facebook';

$provider = $service->getProvider($providerName);
header('Location: ' . $provider->makeAuthUrl());

And implement callback handler:

$providerName = 'facebook';

$provider = $service->getProvider($providerName);
$accessToken = $provider->getAccessTokenByRequestParameters($_GET);

$user = $provider->getIdentity($accessToken);